World of Tanks: Wave 13 -

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Article code 9781638841753
More tanks to destroy your foes with.

Much like the Maus, the German E-100 is at the top of the Heavy Tank food chain. The lighter construction allows the E-100 to be more mobile, so equipping Coated Optics for the Initiative boost is worth-while, whilst taking Eagle Eye and Deadeye makes the Big Gun even more potent.


Instantly recognizable, what the American T95 lacks in Mobility it more than makes up for in Firepower and Survivability. The T95 shines with its flexibility and the ability to upgrade as necessary. Change the gun out with either the 155mm AT Gun T7 or the 105mm AT Gun T5E1 to adjust the Fire-power and Initiative, and never leave the garage with the upgraded Ford GAFM2A1.


Capable of running rings around slower tanks, the Soviet T-62A is the top-of-the-line configuration of all things Medium Tank - strong Survivability and Mobility combined with top-tier Firepower and Initiative. Maximize the high Initiative of the T-62A by taking Maria Boyko and Lend-lease Oil, and boost the rest of your platoon with Signal Boosting.


More of a mobile fortress than a Tank Destroyer, the British Tortoise is a force to be reckoned with. What it lacks in Mobility and Initiative it makes up for in Survivability and Firepower - equip the 20mm Gun L1A1 and Heavy (APCR) Shell to boost the Firepower even more, and take Frances Green for a big Survivability bonus.